Hi 😊
My name is Kate. I live in Vicarstown, a small village in Co. Laois, Ireland.
I have a background in Science and have always been very interested in the ability of animals and humans to adapt to changing environments, and throughout my pregnancies was amazed to see my body changing physically, hormonally and emotionally, to get ready for baby.
Since having my son Milo I have gained so much respect and trust in the ability of my body. Even more so, since experiencing birth and labour for the second time around, when I knew that I could do it. I could completely let go of any fear and give in to my body and trust that she knew what to do, and she did 😊.
I trained as a placenta remedies specialist in 2016 and am so privileged to be apart of a network that is all about respecting your body and taking from it what it has to give. Encapsulating placentas is such an honour. The feeling that I get driving to/from a house or the hospital with a precious placenta is unbelievable. I wouldn’t be anywhere else but there at that moment. I always feel like the placenta is so precious, still connected to the little life just born hours before and feel a huge sense of relief once it has been delivered back to where it belongs, in capsule form.Â
Milo came along 5 days early and I wasn't prepared. I unfortunately couldn't encapsulate my placenta and noticed that I lost a lot of hair when breastfeeding, suffered from low energy and anxiety in the first few months of motherhood. With Luka however, I was prepared for and benefitted hugely from the remedies. I had a smoothie and capsules and found that my energy levels were so much better!! No hair loss, plenty of milk and more energy even with a toddler running around.Â