About me

Hello and welcome to my website. I am Kate. I am from Vicarstown, a small village in Co. Laois and currently living in Kilmuckridge in Wexford beside the Sea with my husband Dan and our two boys Milo and Luka and our daughter Roan.
I have a background in Science, I studied Zoology in college and was fascinated by animal adaptations to differing environments. Throughout my pregnancies I was amazed to see my body adapting and changing physically, hormonally and emotionally, to hold, birth and nourish my babies.
My journey into helping pregnant and postpartum mamas began in 2016 when I trained as a placenta remedies specialist. I am so privileged to be part of a network that is all about respecting your body and taking from it what it has to give. In 2018 I trained as a birth doula and as a postpartum doula in 2019. I have been working with families since.
The placenta is such a precious and spiritual organ, still connected to the little life just born hours before and feel a huge sense of responsibility and respect for it. I feel a great sense of relief closing the circle and returning the remedies full of nourishment and healing energy back to the mother and baby.
Milo came along 5 days early and I wasn't prepared. I unfortunately couldn't encapsulate my placenta and noticed that I lost a lot of hair when breastfeeding, suffered from low energy and anxiety in the first few months of motherhood.
With Luka however, I was prepared for and benefitted hugely from the remedies. I had a smoothie and capsules and found that my energy levels were so much better!! No hair loss, plenty of milk and more energy even with a toddler running around.
With Luka however, I was prepared for and benefitted hugely from the remedies. I had a smoothie and capsules and found that my energy levels were so much better!! No hair loss, plenty of milk and more energy even with a toddler running around.
With Roan's birth (maybe my last) I to got every remedy on offer, smoothie, capsules, tincture, essence and homeopathic remedy. The smoothies were so energising and uplifting in those first few days. In the months later the essence and tincture really helped to lift me energetically when I felt my mood drop a little or if Roan was sick or was having a sleep regression or developmental leap.
I plan to keep my homeopathic remedies for myself or any of my babies in times of stress or anxiety throughout the years and I will even be able to hold onto a remedy and get it remade to help me when I am going through menopause.
I trained as a birth and postpartum Doula in 2019 and have been working with new mothers and their families since my training. I am amazed by the power of birth and motherhood and what it pushes women and families to feel and learn and heal.
I am currently studying to become a Closing the Bones facilitator or Rebozo Message Therapist. Closing The Bones is an ancient postpartum message given to mothers using the Mexican shawl (Rebozo) to rock and massage the mother from head to toe. It is the opening and holding of a sacred space where the mother can feel safe to let any emotions from her pregnancy, birth or postpartum journey rise to the surface.
I think I will be continuously learning with every new client. I feel very honoured to be working and learning in such an intimate, powerful and intuitive space.